W.D. Lot No.1 實習炮台 / 皇家工兵食堂及 宿舍
陸軍部於1905 向 香港殖民地政府以HK$3885 購入,用於建設實習炮台用於砲術訓練。 第一次世界大戰後,美、英、日、法、意五國在華盛頓簽訂的關於限制海軍軍備的條約 《華盛頓海軍條約》。 條約第十九條限制英國,美國,日本在太平洋島嶼上不得新增、擴建或加強海軍基地和岸防設施。《華盛頓海軍條約》於1922年2月6日簽署,1923年8月17日生效。
Site for Practice Battery, Mount Davis 1905 , know as Jubilee Battery and The Hong Kong Jockey Club University of Chicago Academic Complex nowadays.
This land is Freehold War department Property.Its area is 0 acre 3 Roods 8/10 pole. It was purchased in 1905 from the civil government at a price fixed by arbitration of $ 3,885.*
The no. 1 fort was first built for practice purpose. In the 30’s before the WWII begins, they extended the use of the area and built no.2 & no.3 fort ready to defence Hong Kong coastal area. The extended forts land boundary were not officially included in the WDL 1.
After the Liberation of Hong Kong, the site was resettle as the British Army Royal Engineers (REs) recreational use for about 10 years. War Department sold it to the British Hong Kong Government, effective in 1961, for use by the Hong Kong Police Force become the Victoria Road Detention Centre.
In 2013 the heritage building and facility redesigned as the campus for The Hong Kong Jockey Club University of Chicago Academic Complex. As part of the heritage preservation project, which converted the Grade 3 historic buildings for exhibit the detention centre and the Jubilee Battery. Provide public education and tour about this historical site.
There were 13 boundary stones / marker listed on the Military Survey Map. Only WDBS#2,WDBS#9 and WDBS#10 were found on the marked location. During the refurbishment, two concrete made WDBS#9 was found. They are distinctive from the original granite marker and may be set by the REs.
*Record from Particulars of Military property, Reserves and Lettings in Hongkong by Colonel J.F. LEWIS 1905

1936年《華盛頓海軍條約》屆滿後,陸軍部於港島建造多座砲台,加強香港的防禦能力, 並於1941年建成了 德忌笠角砲台、赤柱砲台、春坎角砲台、歌連臣角砲台、香港仔砲台、博加拉砲台 及銀禧砲台及其相關建築物。該砲台配備三門6英寸的後膛砲。 相對於摩星嶺要塞 9.2英寸主砲,6英寸後膛砲可以更快瞄準和快速射擊等優點, 適合應對小型快速船艦的攻擊。因為戰爭期間未有完成正式的土地交收程序!簡單來講,陸軍部是佔用土地建築「銀禧砲台」,並於戰後把佔用地段交還港府,戰後軍部保留原本「實習砲台 WDL No. 1」 的土地。
1945年8月香港重光後,WDL No.1 最初被駐港英軍作為皇家工兵的食堂及宿舍,之後原址交給「香港警察」改建為域多利道扣押中心。於2013年通過活化古蹟的方式,在盡量保留原有建築風貌的要求下交由芝加哥大學改建為香港校區校舍。
我們從軍部地界測量圖得知此軍事地段原設有13枚界石,暫時只找到 WDBS#2,WDBS#7 WDBS#9 及WDBS#10. 因工程關係,在地盤地底發現了另外2 粒不同時期的WDBS#9 。三枚不同時代 WDBS#9 現於「二號砲台旁展示」。